What are the benefits of remote working for businesses and employees?


With the expansion of technology and the increase in communication tools, some small and large businesses prefer the employment of teleworkers to the company. Individuals also prefer to do teleworking instead of being in the company permanently. This article examines the reasons for the popularity of teleworking among staff and managers.

Remote working is done in two ways: full-time teleworking and part-time teleworking.

By full-time teleworking, we mean that the teleworker uses communication tools such as telephone, and messengers such as Telegram, Slack, etc. to do his/her duties instead of going to the office. This employee is obligated to be available during the working hours. On the other hand, the part-time employee is not obligated to be on-call the whole time and he/she can do the duties from everywhere and anytime during the week.

Why is remote working popular among employees and agents?

The first and foremost reason for the popularity of remote working is the cost-effectiveness of this method and its low cost. This is true for both the employee and the agent. The freelancer does not pay a daily commute and can easily perform his duties anywhere. From an agent’s point of view, the use of freelance forces is also very cost-effective. The monthly teleworker pay is lower than the full-time employees at the company. Also, additional costs such as insurance, equipment, employee system requirements, etc. will be eliminated. The organization will also pay less for property and facilities.

 Another advantage of remote working is the lack of time and space limitations. Freelancers can do their projects as much as they can at any time of day and night. This makes it possible for a person to use all his or her ability to do things better and better with a high concentration. In addition, talented people who, for various reasons, are unable to physically attend the company can make remote working opportunities, resulting in reduced unemployment rates. Businesses can also utilize the best human resources at home and abroad without geographical and location constraints.

 Teleworking pushes people away from the constraints of different companies and allows them to grow and make more money. Many people may not like working in an environment with specific rules and specific working hours. Teleworking is the best choice for these people and they can be their own boss and with time management they can deliver their tasks on-time.

Of course, every organization has departments that require physical presence. For example, the support team of any organization needs to be present in the company to respond to customers. This was a major constraint for these teams before the introduction of cloud phone systems to the business market. These limitations have also been overcome today with the advent of the cloud fixed telephone system. A cloud-based enterprise landline phone system enables the support team of organization to use it in order to answer calls from anywhere without any geographical restrictions.

Nexfon Pro service allows people to connect to and manage their corporate landline phone systems from anywhere, via the web panel or app. As a result, this service is one of the best solutions for teleworkers and freelancers.

In today’s world, the use of remote working will also contribute to the ecosystem and health of the community. Using communications tools and a cloud computing system, people’s traffic will be reduced, resulting in reduced air pollution and traffic. In our country, people’s concern about Coronavirus is increasing every day. In this situation, as doctors have advised, it is best to avoid unnecessary traffic on the streets and avoid public transport as much as possible.

The Nexfon corporate landline phone system enables employees to respond to customer calls from anywhere and stay in touch with their company. As a result, in addition to the advantages of this cloud-based landline phone system for freelancers, other employees can benefit from adverse weather conditions and the risk of communicable diseases such as Coronavirus.

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